User scenario:
Crypto liquidity aggregator

The client, a well-established international broker with over two decades of experience in financial markets and online trading, sought a solution to optimize their liquidity aggregation process.

Catering to a diverse clientele spanning retail customers, novices, and professional traders across 110 countries, the client has earned numerous accolades for their customer support and innovative technological solutions.

The challenge faced by the client technical team included:

Manual control over liquidity flows was cumbersome and inefficient.

Significant delays in quotes negatively impacted trading operations.

Absence of effective filters led to difficulties in discerning market prices.

Time-consuming process of addressing bugs and errors in the existing software.

The implementation of Crypto Liquidity Aggregator followed these key steps:

Features Presentation

Introducing the client to the functionality and benefits of the product.

Requirements Gathering

Analyzing and understanding the specific needs and expectations.


Designing, developing, and rigorously testing the approved functionalities.

Delivery and Deployment

Implementing the product and integrating it into the client's systems, along with setting up the necessary infrastructure.

Continual Service and Improvement

Collaborating with the client to enhance the product based on ongoing feedback and requests.

The outcome of this collaboration was highly beneficial:

  • A reliable crypto exchange platform with the capability to be swiftly deployed.
  • Implementation of a margin trading model based on proprietary smart contracts.
  • Asset tokenization and trading functionalities.
  • Provision of a service network to assist other entities in launching security token offerings.
  • Development of bespoke payment services.

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